Express Pd: GALORE
Express Pd Galore - The Amiga PD & Shareware CD (1994)(Express Pd)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
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/** xproto.h
* Include file for External Protocol Handling
* The structure
struct XPR_IO {
STRPTR xpr_filename;
LONG (* __asm xpr_fopen)(register __a0 STRPTR,register __a1 STRPTR);
LONG (* __asm xpr_fclose)(register __a0 struct Buffer *);
LONG (* __asm xpr_fread)(register __a0 APTR,register __d0 LONG,register __d1 LONG,register __a1 struct Buffer *);
LONG (* __asm xpr_fwrite)(register __a0 APTR,register __d0 LONG,register __d1 LONG,register __a1 struct Buffer *);
ULONG (* __asm xpr_sread)(register __a0 APTR,register __d0 LONG,register __d1 ULONG);
LONG (* __asm xpr_swrite)(register __a0 APTR,register __d0 LONG);
LONG (* __asm xpr_sflush)(VOID);
LONG (* __asm xpr_update)(register __a0 struct XPR_UPDATE *);
LONG (* __asm xpr_chkabort)(VOID);
LONG (* __asm xpr_chkmisc)(VOID);
LONG (* __asm xpr_gets)(register __a0 STRPTR,register __a1 STRPTR);
LONG (* __asm xpr_setserial)(register __d0 LONG);
LONG (* __asm xpr_ffirst)(register __a0 STRPTR,register __a1 STRPTR);
LONG (* __asm xpr_fnext)(register __d0 LONG,register __a0 STRPTR,register __a1 STRPTR);
LONG (* __asm xpr_finfo)(register __a0 STRPTR,register __d0 LONG);
LONG (* __asm xpr_fseek)(register __a0 struct Buffer *,register __d0 LONG,register __d1 LONG);
LONG xpr_extension;
LONG *xpr_data;
ULONG (* __asm xpr_options)(register __d0 LONG,register __a0 struct xpr_option **);
LONG (* __asm xpr_unlink)(register __a0 STRPTR);
LONG (* __asm xpr_squery)(VOID);
LONG (* __asm xpr_getptr)(register __d0 LONG);
#if 0
struct XPR_IO {
STRPTR xpr_filename; /* File name(s) */
LONG (*xpr_fopen)(); /* Open file */
LONG (*xpr_fclose)(); /* Close file */
LONG (*xpr_fread)(); /* Get UBYTE from file */
LONG (*xpr_fwrite)(); /* Put string to file */
ULONG (*xpr_sread)(); /* Get UBYTE from serial */
LONG (*xpr_swrite)(); /* Put string to serial */
LONG (*xpr_sflush)(); /* Flush serial input buffer*/
LONG (*xpr_update)(); /* Print stuff */
LONG (*xpr_chkabort)(); /* Check for abort */
LONG (*xpr_chkmisc)(); /* Check misc. stuff */
LONG (*xpr_gets)(); /* Get string interactively */
LONG (*xpr_setserial)(); /* Set and Get serial info */
LONG (*xpr_ffirst)(); /* Find first file name */
LONG (*xpr_fnext)(); /* Find next file name */
LONG (*xpr_finfo)(); /* Return file info */
LONG (*xpr_fseek)(); /* Seek in a file */
LONG xpr_extension; /* Number of extensions */
LONG *xpr_data; /* Initialized by Setup. */
ULONG (*xpr_options)(); /* Multiple XPR options. */
LONG (*xpr_unlink)(); /* Delete a file. */
LONG (*xpr_squery)(); /* Query serial device */
LONG (*xpr_getptr)(); /* Get various host ptrs */
* Number of defined extensions
* The functions
LONG XProtocolCleanup(struct XPR_IO *);
LONG XProtocolSetup(struct XPR_IO *);
LONG XProtocolSend(struct XPR_IO *);
LONG XProtocolReceive(struct XPR_IO *);
LONG XProtocolHostMon(struct XPR_IO *,APTR,LONG,LONG);
LONG XProtocolUserMon(struct XPR_IO *,APTR,LONG,LONG);
#ifdef LATTICE
/* Pragmas for SAS/Lattice-C V5.0 */
#pragma libcall XProtocolBase XProtocolCleanup 1e 801
#pragma libcall XProtocolBase XProtocolSetup 24 801
#pragma libcall XProtocolBase XProtocolSend 2a 801
#pragma libcall XProtocolBase XProtocolReceive 30 801
#pragma libcall XProtocolBase XProtocolHostMon 36 109804
#pragma libcall XProtocolBase XProtocolUserMon 3c 109804
#endif /* LATTICE */
#ifdef AZTEC_C
/* Pragmas for Manx Aztec-C V5.0 */
#pragma amicall(XProtocolBase, 0x1e, XProtocolCleanup(a0))
#pragma amicall(XProtocolBase, 0x24, XProtocolSetup(a0))
#pragma amicall(XProtocolBase, 0x2a, XProtocolSend(a0))
#pragma amicall(XProtocolBase, 0x30, XProtocolReceive(a0))
#pragma amicall(XProtocolBase, 0x36, XProtocolHostMon(a0,a1,d0,d1))
#pragma amicall(XProtocolBase, 0x3c, XProtocolUserMon(a0,a1,d0,d1))
#endif /* AZTEC */
* Flags returned by XProtocolSetup()
#define XPRS_FAILURE 0x00000000L
#define XPRS_SUCCESS 0x00000001L
#define XPRS_NORECREQ 0x00000002L
#define XPRS_NOSNDREQ 0x00000004L
#define XPRS_HOSTMON 0x00000008L
#define XPRS_USERMON 0x00000010L
#define XPRS_HOSTNOWAIT 0x00000020L
* The update structure
struct XPR_UPDATE { ULONG xpru_updatemask;
STRPTR xpru_protocol;
STRPTR xpru_filename;
LONG xpru_filesize;
STRPTR xpru_msg;
STRPTR xpru_errormsg;
LONG xpru_blocks;
LONG xpru_blocksize;
LONG xpru_bytes;
LONG xpru_errors;
LONG xpru_timeouts;
LONG xpru_packettype;
LONG xpru_packetdelay;
LONG xpru_chardelay;
STRPTR xpru_blockcheck;
STRPTR xpru_expecttime;
STRPTR xpru_elapsedtime;
LONG xpru_datarate;
LONG xpru_reserved1;
LONG xpru_reserved2;
LONG xpru_reserved3;
LONG xpru_reserved4;
LONG xpru_reserved5;
* The possible bit values for the xpru_updatemask are:
#define XPRU_PROTOCOL 0x00000001L
#define XPRU_FILENAME 0x00000002L
#define XPRU_FILESIZE 0x00000004L
#define XPRU_MSG 0x00000008L
#define XPRU_ERRORMSG 0x00000010L
#define XPRU_BLOCKS 0x00000020L
#define XPRU_BLOCKSIZE 0x00000040L
#define XPRU_BYTES 0x00000080L
#define XPRU_ERRORS 0x00000100L
#define XPRU_TIMEOUTS 0x00000200L
#define XPRU_PACKETTYPE 0x00000400L
#define XPRU_PACKETDELAY 0x00000800L
#define XPRU_CHARDELAY 0x00001000L
#define XPRU_BLOCKCHECK 0x00002000L
#define XPRU_EXPECTTIME 0x00004000L
#define XPRU_ELAPSEDTIME 0x00008000L
#define XPRU_DATARATE 0x00010000L
* The xpro_option structure
struct xpr_option {
STRPTR xpro_description; /* description of the option */
LONG xpro_type; /* type of option */
STRPTR xpro_value; /* pointer to a buffer with the current value */
LONG xpro_length; /* buffer size */
* Valid values for xpro_type are:
#define XPRO_BOOLEAN 1L /* xpro_value is "yes", "no", "on" or "off" */
#define XPRO_LONG 2L /* xpro_value is string representing a number */
#define XPRO_STRING 3L /* xpro_value is a string */
#define XPRO_HEADER 4L /* xpro_value is ignored */
#define XPRO_COMMAND 5L /* xpro_value is ignored */
#define XPRO_COMMPAR 6L /* xpro_value contains command parameters */